Monday, 30 July 2007


UOVO GREEN – Ecology, Luxury & Degradation

Issue # 14 presents interviews, essays, projects and two CDs around
art practices that resist the spectacularisation or romanticisation of ecological issues or the natural world. Instead their practices explore the operational function and processes of ecosystems themselves, a capacity to comprehend connections and transgress disciplines and boundaries while addressing the uniformly conflicted future of the planet. In a world where one of the US government's recent senior environmental appointees (Allan Fitzsimmons) has been supporting his view for nearly a decade that ecosystems do not exist, such artistic provocations – with a keen understanding of the new post-environmental world – can only be valuable for our collective sanity.

The issue was launched in Art Basel's Art Lobby on the 17 June – 
see a slideshow in the Gallery.

I. PEOPLE (interviews linked to the colour of the issue)
HELLO Adam Carr interviews Latitudes
Mark von Schlegell by Jacob Fabricius
Sergio Vega by Mariana Cánepa Luna;
Ibon Aranberri by Peio Aguirre;
Lara Almárcegui by Florence Grivel;
Tea Mäkipää by Latitudes;
Binna Choi by Nav Haq;
Haegue Yang by Doryun Chong;
Tue Greenfort by Francesca Pagliuca;
Christoph Keller by Max Andrews;
Michael Rakowitz by Peter Eleey;

II. TXT (deeper critiques, novels, essays...)
Chus Martínez on Arturas Raila
Ben Cobb on the 1973 film 'Soylent Green'

III. VIEW (visual essay by young artists)
Federico Martelli, Zwelethu Mthethwa,
Ravi Agarwal and Noguchi Rika

IV. SOUNDSCAPES (CD + materials from collaborators)
CD compiled by David Toop

CD compiled by Guillaume Sorge

To read further about UOVO/14, check Latitudes' website!
Or read here to see where to find it.